How To Get Rid Of Bees In Trees – Naturally And Effectively

Bees are an absolutely essential part of any ecosystem. In fact, research has shown that without bees life on earth would probably not be able to exist. In fact the bee most beneficial to man – the Honey Bee is the most widespread and prolific of all the species of bee. In fact, scientists suing very powerful data analysis tools have come to the conclusion that there are more Honey bees than there are other pollinating insects. The simple fact of the matter is that if Honey Bees are to be eliminated not only would we lack for a source of honey – but it would mean the extinction of many fruits and vegetables. It would also mean that fodder such as alfalfa and clover would quickly become extinct and the cattle industry (and the dairy industry) would quickly fail. In fact, given the fact that plants are at the base of most ecosystems life on Earth would come to a grinding halt.

This is why we need to conserve Honey Bees. We all need to do our part – and this includes homeowners who are faced with Honey Bees nesting in trees on their properties. As valuable as Honey Bees are they can be a nuisance – and can frequently be extremely dangerous. They will sting to protect their nests and the Queen – and this can lead to severe injuries and even death. The presence of Honey Bees is especially concerning when there are children and pets roaming around in yards and areas where there are trees with Honey Bee Nests.

So how does one get rid of Honey Bees in trees on the property without killing the bees?

There are several options.

Unfortunately dealing with the bees that have made their nest in trees can often mean cutting down the tree in order to get access to the queen. The worker bees will follow the queen. Once a professional can access the hive then a commercially made beehive is used to relocate the queen. The worker bees will soon follow. That beehive can then be relocated elsewhere in the property (guaranteeing a source of fresh honey) or take somewhere further away.

There are many people who have used cinnamon to get rid of bees. Bees find the smell of cinnamon extremely distasteful – and by sprinkling it around the hive for a number of weeks it will encourage the bees to move on. Bees also do not like the smell of mothballs, so hanging some mothballs near the nest may also encourage the bees to move on.

There other less ‘bee-friendly’ approaches that use natural remedies to rid the garden of bees, such as spraying the nest with vinegar.

Note that many of these approaches will require getting close to the hive – and that can be dangerous. Get in touch with a professional beekeeper and let them advise you on what ‘bee-friendly’ methods there are to getting rid of bees humanly. They will do the job, quickly and effectively and will often offer their services at a cost that may surprise you (some have even been known to do it for free). Many relocate the bees to their own properties in order to allow them to profit (both in terms of the pleasure of fresh honey in the diet and financially).

How to Get Rid of a Beehive Near a Roof